About The Bali Shop

The Bali Shop is the place to get what you need to lift your home to another level.

Elliot and Melody, a young local couple, have passionately created a paradise of quality Balinese and Asian household items for you to browse at your leisure. It is a credit to them to have successfully developed this shop into a massive space of colour and light; a visual feast of exquisite items, fashioning an authentic Balinese atmosphere.

They have travelled extensively throughout Asia searching for superior quality unique designs of solid teak furniture and hand crafted household decorations to give your home that individual charm we all strive for. They have journeyed to remote villages and communities to discover unusual and distinctive glass vases, terracotta pots, carved masks and mosaic bowls, just to name a few of the hundreds of items on display at The Bali Shop. From the juggles of north Vietnam, Hanoi, to the artistic capital of Bali, Ubud, Elliot and Melody have continued to seek out only the best quality for The Bali Shop. They love and appreciate the amorous, easygoing and peaceful Asian craftspeople and their countries.

The Bali Shop has something for everyone, from exquisite hand carved outdoor day beds for relaxing afternoons, pots that compliment a home's entrance, colourful fun fish to lighten a room, candles to soften a bathroom, and expansive umbrellas to shade the outdoor lounge settings.

Come down to The Bali Shop, where the exotic atmosphere blankets the enormous floor span. You will be sure to find a treasured gift for a special friend or a piece of furniture that will echo your character and make a statement in your home.

Congratulations Elliot and Melody for making your family business into a pleasure for shoppers who seek a change!

Returns Policy:
Consumer Guarantees: Under the ACL, consumers have the right to seek a remedy if a product or service does not meet consumer guarantees. These guarantees include the right to a refund, repair, or replacement. The timeframe for seeking these remedies can vary depending on the nature of the issue.